Architects’ tribute to their ‘god’ Charles Correa

Architects’ tribute to their ‘god’ Charles Correa


Anasuya Basu | TELEGRAPH | Published : 24.06.19, 3:05 AM

In the mid-1980s in India, there were two gods in architecture. When either of them landed in Bangalore, there would be a buzz in the architecture fraternity — “God has arrived”. Students and young practitioners would flock to hear them. So would then budding architect Sanjay Mohe, who had the cheek to ask “which god?”.

The gods were Charles Correa and Balkrishna Doshi. While Correa was invited by scientist C.N.R. Rao to design the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) in Bangalore, Doshi was commissioned to design the Indian Institute of Management (IIM).

JJ School of Architecture alumnus Mohe and Chinese-American architect Yung Ho Chang from Atelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ) in Beijing spoke at the fourth edition of the Charles Correa Annual Memorial Lecture 2019 on Saturday evening at City Centre Salt Lake, one of Correa’s creations.



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