Anna & Eugeni Bach

Anna & Eugeni Bach


  • Practice: Anna & Eugeni Bach
  • Website:
  • Firm Location: Barcelona
  • Country: Spain
  • Year: NA

(“Text as submitted by architect”)

Anna Bach

Architect by the Helsinki University of Technology, 2001.
Assistant professor at the Vertical Workshop of the ESARQ UIC, Barcelona, ​​directed by Duncan Lewis (1999).
Master in Theory and Practice of the Architecture Project, Barcelona School of Architecture, UPC, 2014.
PDI Professor of Final Project Workshop at EINA – Barcelona University Center of Design and Art, Autonomous University of Bellaterra, Barcelona (2008 – present).




Eugeni Bach

Architect by the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona, ​​UPC, 1999.
Assistant professor at the ESARQ UIC Vertical Workshop, Barcelona, ​​directed by Winy Maas (1998) and Duncan Lewis (1999).
Professor of the Mies van der Rohe Chair, ETSAB UPC, under the direction of David Chipperfield (2001).
Professor of Projects at the La Salle School of Architecture, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona (2005 – 2017).
Professor of Projects at the Higher Technical School of Barcelona, ​​Polytechnic University of Catalonia. (2015 – present).


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