[News] Mumbai housing colony that Charles Correa designed as ‘a mirror of the nation’ is focus of new film

[News] Mumbai housing colony that Charles Correa designed as ‘a mirror of the nation’ is focus of new film


Nandini Ramnath | SCROLL | Jun 22, 2019 · 09:30 am

The evocatively titled Lovely Villa is a documentary about the links between architecture and emotion, memories of childhood and adolescence – and two fathers.

One of them is the real father of the director of the film, Rohan Shivkumar. The other is a spiritual patriarch, the brilliant architect Charles Correa, who designed the housing complex to which Shivkumar’s family moved in the 1970s. Lovely Villa uses elements of personal documentary – photographs, philosophical voiceovers, home video footage – to explore the manner in which residents’ lives were influenced by Correa’s vision for “a mirror of the nation, in miniature”.

FULL ARTICLE: www.scroll.in


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