Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4

Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4


Date: 06.07.2020


Task 1

Title: Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit.

Software used: Rhino7, Grasshopper,GhPython, Revit.

Tools Used: Wall, Element Geometry, Model Categories Picker, Category Filter, Query Elements, Logical and filter, Document Levels Picker, Category Identity, Boolean Toggle, Panel, Object Bake.

The session was to learn basic modelling in Revit using Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tools. The session covered 5 small exercises to explore different components of Revit in grasshopper. In the first exercise a sample building was selected. Its building elements were assigned from Revit to grasshopper and then baked in Rhino.

Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
A sample building selected for modelling in grasshopper.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
A building element  assigned in grasshopper from Revit.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Part model assigned in grasshopper.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
An element from the assigned part of the building in grasshopper.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Assigned Model from Revit to grasshopper baked in rhino.


Task 2

Title: Generic modelling in Revit using Rhino and grasshopper.

Software used: Rhino7, Grasshopper, Revit.

Tools Used: Surface, Divide Domain2, Isotrim, Deconstruct Brep, Element Type Picker, Add Component Adaptive

The exercise was to do generic modelling in Revit and Rhino. A rectangular frame geometry with planes at each vertex was generated in Revit. Next, a doubly curved surface in grasshopper was generated from two curves created in Rhino. Then, the surface was subdivided into small grid panels. Further, the frame generated in Revit was morphed on each grid of the surface.

Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Four points created in Revit and planes being assigned to each point.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Planes being assigned at each point. Generating rectangle from connecting the four points in Revit.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Generating a small rectangle on the base rectangular curve to create a frame.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Activating the planes generated at four vertices.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Frame generated from the on projecting the smaller rectangle along the larger rectangular curve.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Importing the Revit generated model in grasshopper.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Curves being created in rhino.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Surface created in rhino being assigned to grasshopper and Revit.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Subdividing the surface into smaller grid units.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Deconstructing the smaller grid units to generate vertices.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Morphing rectangular frame component generated in Revit to the vertices of the grid surfaces.

Task 3

Title: Architectural Modelling in Revit using Rhino and grasshopper.

Software used: Rhino7, Grasshopper, Revit.

Tools Used: Brep, Add Geometry Direct Shape.

The exercise was to learn to import architectural models generated in grasshopper to Revit. For this, a project from the previous session was selected. The four rooms generated in grasshopper were categorized based on their shapes to the direct Revit document using components of Revit.

Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Grasshopper imported in Revit.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Individual room being modified in revit.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
All the rooms modified in Revit and assigned in grasshopper.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Final outcome in Revit. Model baked in Revit post categorizing the elements based on its shape.

Task 4

Title: Generating Terrain site model in Revit using Rhino and grasshopper.

Software used: Rhino7, Grasshopper, Revit.

Tools Used: Construct Point, Rectangle, Rectangular array, Image Sampler, Integer, Bounds, Remap Number, Panel, Move, Z Vector, Add Topography (Points).

The exercise was to learn to generate Terrain site model from points using image sampler method in grasshopper and assign it to Revit. For this an array of points were generated in grasshopper and were bounded on the image of the chosen site. The points were remapped and using the Revit component in grasshopper the terrain surface was generated from the remapped points.

Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Selecting a terrain area on maps for modelling in grasshopper and Revit.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Generating an array of points in grasshopper.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Remapping the values of the image to achieve real heights.
Day 12 | Learn Rhino and grasshopper as BIM tool for modelling in Revit: Task 1, 2,3,4
Final outcome in Revit from remapped values of the points in grasshopper connected to generate terrain surface.

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