Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1


Date: 30.06.2020

Task 1

Software used: Python, Jupyter notebook

Tools Used: Jupyter notebook

The session was to learn basics of scripting in python. The session covered basics functions such as use of string, tuple, list, if, while, class, float, input, decimal, integer, math, type, str(), append,def.

Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1
Script to done to understand strings and integers.
Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1
Script done to understand function of input, integer and strings.
Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1
Script done to understand function in combination of the use of tuple, integer and strings.
Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1
Script done to understand math function.
Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1
Script done using sin() function to understand mathematical operations.
Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1
Use of list ‘[]’ function and append method to the script.
Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1
Script done to understand use of functions such as if, elif and while.
Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1
Script done to understand use of functions such as class, def, self, init, add, return.
Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1
Script done to understand ‘while’ function.
Day 6 | Learn Basic Scripting in Python: Task 1
Script done to understand the use of functions such as class, math, def, init, add, sub, self.

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