SNOW ART PAVILION, international architecture competition organized by AG360, company of Architecture Ideas Contests, is pleased to welcome all architects and architecture students from around the world.
The winners of the competition are:
1 st Place – Shenzhen, China
Yang Hanyu
Liu Xiaotong
Lang Yingying
1 st Mention – Mytishchi, Rusia
Maksim Matveev
Daria Matveeva
Yulia Kushina
2 nd Mention – La Plata, Argentina
Emiliano Mario Frega
Livila Brenda Platania
Nicolas Bonavera
Lucas Ezequiel Maitini
3 rd Mention – Riedstadt, Alemania
Dill Khan
Xian Zhu
3 rd Mention – Genevé, Suiza (tie)
Leenart Steemans
For more information visit the WEBSITE
Sources & Credits
Concursos AG360