P + S Estudio de Arquitectura

P + S Estudio de Arquitectura


(“Text as submitted by architect”)

Francisco Javier Parada Pino

Francisco Parada (Chile, 1984). Architect with distinction from the Universidad del Desarrollo -Santiago de Chile in 2009. He works as a professor in the Faculty of Architecture of the same University between 2010-2017, participating in various academic projects and publications. He simultaneously practices the profession independently between 2011-2017. Since 2018 he has been studying for a Doctorate in the Transversal Studies of Architecture and Urbanism program at ETSAM – Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Laura R. Salvador González

Laura R. Salvador (Spain, 1989). Architect (2016) and Master in Urban Studies (2019) from ETSAM (Polytechnic University of Madrid). She carries out training stays at TU Delft, in the study of B.V. Doshi in Ahmedabad, in addition to numerous international workshops (ETH Zurich, CSM London, among others). Between 2012 and 2018, she collaborates with the COAM, Arquitectos Sin Fronteras (Senegal) and in an R+D+ I  project in the Department of Urbanism of the ETSAM, also exercising professionally independently.

Practice Ideology

P + S Estudio de Arquitectura concentrates its work on research into the processes of indeterminacy, uncertainty and spontaneous appropriation, applied to the practice of architecture and urban planning, understanding both as a common practice of exploration and work. The studio proposes, therefore, to materialise this research by incorporating the variable of time as a project strategy and the possibility of appropriation of the architectural space by the user, opening the way to change, flexibility and the transformation of uses.

Furthermore, the studio’s approach involves a deep concern for detail, the physical understanding of the material, the cultural and vernacular character of the place, as well as all the complex dynamics of social behavior in urban and architectural spaces.

P + S is dedicated to architecture in its various scales, from new single-family and collective housing projects, or housing reforms, to ephemeral actions in the city and collaborations in urban developments; without seeking to establish a separation between the fields of architecture and urban planning, with the sole aim of developing a professional practice committed to the city and the territory. In this sense, the studio distances itself from specialisation, as it understands that architectural work must involve both a deep understanding of the behaviour of the material, as well as an inescapable responsibility towards the place and its inhabitants.

P + S projects are developed as a continuous, cumulative and open research process, even beyond the architecture itself, where each project opens a new opportunity to delve into various aspects of their interest, such as the value of the material and its physical behaviour, and the nature of detail as a working matrix, and incorporating conditions of indeterminacy and uncertainty in architectural and urban design, which allow new social and living scenarios, more flexible and timeless, to be opened up; so that architecture is understood only as a first operation, as original support that will necessarily be complemented with the passing of time, the relationship with users, and ultimately with life itself.

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