zyme studios

zyme studios


  • Practice: zyme studios
  • Website: zymestudios.com/
  • Firm Location: Los Angeles, California
  • Country: USA
  • Year: NA

(“Text as taken from the website”)

Practice Ideology

“ZYME” is derived from the word enzyme, a linear sequence that folds to create a three-dimensional form. At Zyme Studios, every project is approached with the attempt to create conditions necessary for reaction, the idea that every built space has the ability to evoke.

The firm chooses to use presentation over imposition to show what motivates them. They seek to respond to the challenges of contemporary paradigms. They deny specific styles in an attempt to deny duplication. They strive to create spaces that are not formulaic but inventive in a way that welcomes a reaction. One that leans on the metaphysical, the in-between that blends the physical function and experiential qualities of a space.

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