Jinhua Newenergy Car-City Square | Milanesi | Paiusco

Jinhua Newenergy Car-City Square | Milanesi | Paiusco


  • Gross Built up Area: 123,901㎡
  • Project Location: Zhejiang Province
  • Country: China
  • Lead Architects/Designer: Claudio Milanes
  • Design Team: Milanesi | Paiusco
  • Clients: Jinhua Trading green energy automobile market management Co., LTD
  • Collaborators: Zhejiang University of Technology Engineering Design Group Co., LTD
  • Photo Credits: Milanesi | Paiusco
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Excerpt: Jinhua Newenergy Car-City Square, an architectural project by Milanesi | Paiusco, inspired by the mathematical function and aerodynamic coefficient Cx, focuses on innovation at its core. The project’s main feature is a car overpass that integrates natural hill terrain and development plans, creating a clear pathway from north to south, from mountainous to watery areas, and blending urban landscape energy.

Project Description

Jinhua Newenergy Car-City Square | FORME3
It is a building that integrates with the city in terms of functionality and energy © Milanesi | Paiusco

[Text as submitted by architect] Inspired by the mathematical function and aerodynamic coefficient Cx, the designers deeply embed the theme of ‘innovation’ at the project’s core. The highlight of this project is a car overpass infusing this project: leveraging the natural hill terrain and development plan, a clear pathway traverses the entire project, from north to south, from mountainous regions to water areas, infusing the project with the energy akin to urban landscapes.

Jinhua Newenergy Car-City Square | FORME3
Jinhua Newenergy Car-City Square stands as a hub for new energy vehicles in China © Milanesi | Paiusco
Jinhua Newenergy Car-City Square | FORME3
© Milanesi | Paiusco
Jinhua Newenergy Car-City Square | FORME3
a dedicated pathway showcases new car models and hosts commercial events © Milanesi | Paiusco

This pathway is not only a pathway connecting all the functional spaces of this complex but also a space specifically designed for automotive culture. It can serve as a dedicated ‘runway’ for presenting new car models, coordinate with smart technology to become a platform for showcasing driving data, and also function as an exhibition space spanning the entire site, suitable for filming locations or commercial events.

Jinhua Newenergy Car-City Square | FORME3
anchored in China’s electric vehicle sector, the project celebrates innovative technologies © Milanesi | Paiusco
Jinhua Newenergy Car-City Square | FORME3
integrated within the urban grid, the project prioritizes functionality and energy efficiency © Milanesi | Paiusco

The road directly connects all the buildings within the plot, ensuring that each location has an observation platform overlooking the showcase road, becoming a platform for the interaction between people and cars. This is not only a venue for showcasing new technologies but also highlights the question the design team has pondered: ‘Where is the most ideal stage for presenting new car models?’ The answer naturally emerges on this ‘road’.

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