Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture

Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture


  • Project Name: Frames of Fiction
  • Student Name: Neeraj Krishna
  • Awards: Gujral Foundation Excellence Award 2023 | CEPT Excellence Award 2023
  • Softwares/Plugins: Adobe Photoshop , Rhinoceros 3d
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Excerpt: Frames of Fiction’ is a bachelor’s design project based on fictional architecture by Neeraj Krishna from the Faculty of Architecture – CEPT University, that imagines an existing ruin in a futuristic setting with conditions akin to drought and dryness, among other scenarios, and seeks to design living areas for a particular group of people. As more survivors discover the place, the dwelling evolves and adapts in response to human needs and desires. Over time, the fiction of a home becomes a reality, fitting perfectly into its frame.

Introduction: The project explores fictional architecture and imagines an existing ruin in a futuristic setting with conditions akin to drought and dryness, among other scenarios, and proposes living areas for particular people or communities. The narrative is set around an exuberant group of scavengers who possess a wild spirit and find water inside a crack, establishing a settlement near an old ruin to showcase their power, energy, and madness. 

These objects, which were scavenged from the parched terrain, combine to define the character of the house. Every little detail, from the cracks in the wall to the crook of a chair, conveys a story. They adapt to human needs and interests by moving, modifying, and evolving inside the frame. As more survivors discover the place, the dwelling evolves and adapts in response to human needs and desires. Over time, the fiction of a home becomes a reality, fitting perfectly into its frame.


Site Context

Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Formation of the Imagined ‘Sookhad’ City (Sarkhej Roza, Ahmedabad) Captured at Various Intervals of Time (Google Earth Images modified Using Photoshop)
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Site Section
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Imagined Site: ‘Sookhad’ City (Google Earth Images modified Using Photoshop) and Site Isometric

The objective of the studio was to imagine an existing ruin in a futuristic setting with conditions akin to drought and dryness, among other scenarios, and to imagine living areas for particular people or communities. Sarkhej Roza in Ahmedabad was selected as the site.

Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Site Section
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Site Assemblage and Storyboard Depicting the Origin of Sookhad City
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
AI Collage Depicting the Site Characteristics and People

Due to the shifting of tectonic plates, it has experienced multiple earthquakes over time. Additionally, the area has experienced intense heat and dryness due to extreme global warming and deforestation, which has resulted in a severe water shortage. These and numerous other factors led to the development of a crack in the vicinity of the queen’s pavilion on the Sarkhej Roza campus.

Design Process

Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Conceptual Sketches
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Conceptual Plan
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Conceptual Section

Program Narrative: Searching for water and scrap materials, a group of scavengers find shelter near a crack where they discover glistening clear water. They decide to construct an exhibitionist dwelling to demonstrate their dominance and control over the treasure’s possession.

Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Conceptual Sketches
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Conceptual Section
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Process Sketches

The initial stage in the design process was to develop a site scenario that takes resources, topography, and climate into account. The following stage consisted of establishing a user group that would be intended to make use of the dwelling. Many iterations in the form of quick sketches were made in an effort to build a relationship with the existing.

FInal Outcome

Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Form Development
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Plan at Lower Level and Plan at Upper Level
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Long Section

The form was derived by protruding a slender volume perpendicular to the ruins. In order to provide shading from the intense south sun, an extension was added. The new intervention used a grid pattern similar to the grid of volumes found in the ruins. The grid was created by introducing scaffolding, which created a series of frames.

Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Isometric View
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
View from the Queens Pavilion
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
View from the Inside

In order to accommodate more survivors, the frames are extended. The pattern of scaffolding implemented allows for continuous evolution of the structure. Dwelling units are plugged into this series, which creates voids in between in the structure. These voids can be used as flexible spaces. Additionally, access was provided to the underground pool of the water inside the crack.

Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
Storyboard of the Design Narrative
Frames of Fiction | Bachelors Design Project on Fictional Architecture
View from the Crack

The final outcome consisted of a hero drawing, a long section of the project that summarised the scenario’s whole plot and captured lives of the people in a single drawing. Other supporting drawings included a storyboard that provided context for the narrative and scenario, as well as diagrams that explained the design process, two level plans, an isometric view, perspective views, and an explanation of some of the major poetic concepts underlying the design.

[This Academic Project has been published with text submitted by the student]

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