The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis


  • Project Name: The Art of Playful Learning
  • Student Name: Sahadbin Abdul Latheef
  • Softwares/Plugins: AutoCAD , SketchUp , Lumion , Adobe Photoshop
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Excerpt: The Art of Playful Learning’ is an architecture thesis by Sahadbin Abdul Latheef from the Avani Institute of Design that explores the impact of built spaces on the human mind, focusing on primary school children’s perception of space. It seeks to provide an example of addressing basic needs and a playful approach to education. The project aims to transform Kattangal’s Spring Valley School into a vibrant, collaborative learning environment that embodies the needs and objectives of the community by fusing play and nature with architectural design.

Introduction: The architectural project aims to make Kattangal’s Spring Valley School, located in the Indian state of Kerala, a dynamic learning environment, with an emphasis on the preschool and upper primary grades. In order to meet the region’s need for high-quality early childhood education, the project aims to establish a dedicated preschool division by acknowledging the school’s significance within Kattangal’s educational landscape and the diverse community it serves. This expansion satisfies the growing demand for such offerings and is in line with the school’s commitment to offering English-medium, CBSE education.

Understanding how architectural design affects human psychology, particularly in children, is fundamental to this endeavour. Children use spaces differently because they are instinctive users who are not influenced by social norms. Using this insight, the project imagines a play school inside Spring Valley School, bringing nature into the classroom and making learning engaging. This initiative adheres to children’s natural curiosity and imagination while also improving educational opportunities.

Spring Valley School is a prime candidate for this project because of its desire to expand its classrooms to accommodate preschoolers. The institutional environment of the school could be greatly enhanced by the addition of an efficient preschool department. The project seeks to develop a strong bond with the environment, nurture children’s holistic development, and provide a solid basis for their educational journey by incorporating play and nature into the architectural design. The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a dynamic, networked learning environment that represents the various needs and goals of the Kattangal community.


Site Context

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
The Kattangal Precinct, Calicut, Kerala, India (Source: Google Earth)
The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Site Analysis and Site Surrounding

Large, undeveloped areas rich in flora and fauna make Kattangal an ideal location for the creation of an educational facility that blends seamlessly with the natural environment. The site receives abundant rainfall and an average annual temperature of 27°C, which promotes healthy vegetation and natural drainage. About 20,000 people live in the community, and their diversity and vibrancy create a dynamic learning environment. They also have a strong commitment to education, as seen by their involvement in local programmes and schools. 

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Site Analysis
The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Existing School Building

Located in an institutional zone, Spring Valley School enjoys a peaceful environment and room for development, including the ability to create welcoming morning environments that will improve the learning environment for students. The site’s contours allow innovative architecture that encourages active learning and a close relationship with nature, such as level play spaces and ground modifications. Overall, Kattangal provides a chance to create a unique learning environment that incorporates greenery, open spaces, and outdoor classrooms to promote the holistic development of students and environmental stewardship.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Diagram of the Existing Structure Of Spring Valley School
The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Existing School Building

There are three primary parts to the current structure: two for teaching and learning, and one for supporting functions. Primary uses, such as offices and classrooms, are spread across three floors in the central section. Next to this, the right part has four levels that house amenities like a lab and a storage room. The library, utility room, and staff room are located on the left side beneath a one-story, slanted roof composed of galvanised iron sheets. Its overall design has an impression of a typical 19th-century concrete building, which gives it a sombre and official atmosphere as opposed to the general atmosphere of regular government hospitals or business settings.

Design Process

A random compilation of the scenery envisioned in the school
The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

The site of Kattangal presents a stimulating opportunity to explore innovative school architecture. Because of the contours, the location allows for level play areas and ground modification, allowing for creative and dynamic use of the natural terrain. Open areas and natural elements like plants offer a blank canvas on which to experiment with different design concepts that can blend in harmony with the surroundings. This makes it possible to create a unique learning environment that promotes student engagement and exploration. Using the site’s natural features and contours can promote outdoor learning, active learning, and a close relationship with the natural world.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
A painting of a more detailed vision of the school interior
The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Zoning and Iteration Sketches

The program focuses on providing nooks, or experiences, to help children learn basic skills such as physical awareness, balance, spatial awareness, social interaction, and creativity. These confined spaces help children develop motor and coordination abilities, improve balance, and understand spatial relationships. They also serve as serene sanctuaries for resilience, stress management, and emotional management. Nooks promote social skills, creativity, and language development through group work, imaginative play, and social contact. Overall, nooks play a crucial role in children’s growth and development.

Final Outcome

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Ground Floor Plan

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

In order to meet the needs of different age groups and promote outdoor learning, Spring Valley School was carefully planned across multiple floors. Easy access is provided by the ground floor, which includes seating areas, restrooms, climbing walls for active play, and an arrival zone. Students use ramps to enter classrooms directly from open play areas. An open envelope design provides plenty of natural light and space in the gym.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Basement Floor Plan and Exploded Axonometric
The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

The library and classrooms for younger students are located in the basement/G-1 floor, which creates a peaceful learning environment that is infused with the natural world. An enclosed sand play area gives young learners a safe space while encouraging creativity and sensory exploration. This floor, which faces west, provides easy access to outdoor areas, such as the ground, the treehouse, and the nearby woods.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
First Floor Plan
The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Part Section of Workshop

The upper-grade classrooms are located on the first floor and provide a disciplined learning environment that is interspersed with play. Labs offer chances for both practical skill development and scientific study. Corridors overlook lower levels, encouraging curiosity and discovery of creative activities in triple-height workshops. Spring Valley School’s educational experience is enhanced by the design, which skillfully combines learning, play, and engagement with the natural environment.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Part Section of the Primary Section

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

The primary user group for this project is children between the ages of three and six. A thorough understanding of the unique requirements and sensitivities of this demographic is the foundation of the architectural and conceptual strategies used in this project. With a focus on safety, accessibility, and fostering a strong connection with nature, these strategies aim to establish a dynamic and stimulating learning environment.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Top View of Primary Section
The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

Community Engagement and Needs Assessment: The project begins by seeking input from the local community to understand their requirements. This collaborative approach ensures that the design addresses the unique needs and aspirations of the people it serves.

Compliance with Educational Standards: CBSE guidelines serve as a benchmark for designing the school. This ensures that the facilities and spaces are aligned with the educational objectives and standards set by the Central Board of Secondary Education.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

Site Study and Spatial Planning: A thorough site study is conducted to assess factors like accessibility, available resources, and potential spatial usage by students. This information informs the placement and arrangement of built masses, open spaces, and circulation paths.

Child-Centric Design: The design acknowledges that children perceive and interact with spaces differently than adults. It prioritizes creating an environment that resonates with a child’s imagination, curiosity, and playfulness. This is achieved through the incorporation of elements like mud pits, workshops, and play areas that cater to a child’s instincts and preferences.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

Safety and Accessibility: Safety measures are meticulously integrated, including the incorporation of ramps with a standard slope to accommodate children with walking disabilities. The campus is enclosed by a compound wall for security, while supervision spaces are strategically placed to allow discrete monitoring.

Integration of Nature: The design capitalizes on the natural advantages of the site, such as the presence of extensive greenery and favorable light conditions. This is leveraged to create a serene and inspiring atmosphere that encourages early arrival and a sense of wonder.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

Inclusive Design: The project considers the needs of all children, including those with disabilities, ensuring that spaces are accessible and inclusive. This promotes a sense of belonging and equal participation among all students.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis
Part Section of the Primary Section

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

Integration of Services and Utilities: Service features like ducts, pipes, and chimneys are seamlessly integrated into the design to ensure functionality without compromising aesthetics. The interior spaces are crafted to shield children from any complexities, providing a whimsical and engaging environment.

Vertical Stacking for Efficiency: To maximize space and create wide, unobstructed areas, built masses are strategically stacked vertically. This allows for the effective organization of spaces and supports unrestricted mobility and recreational activities.

The Art of Playful Learning | Architecture Thesis

Conclusion: The thesis explores how the design of a built space can influence the human mind, specifically focusing on kids in primary school and their perception of space. This is important in the case of kids. The school is an example of one way to address the basic needs of kids and an alternate way to provide education in a much more playful manner.

[This Academic Project has been published with text submitted by the student]

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