Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization


  • Project Name: Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven
  • Student Name: Bonart Osmani
  • Softwares/Plugins: Archicad , Affinity Designer , Twinmotion , Adobe Photoshop , Affinity Photo
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Excerpt: ‘Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven’ is an architecture thesis based on urban revitalization by Bonart Osmani from the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape – Newcastle University, that proposes a transferable toolkit for designing in places affected by historical trauma. The goal of the research is to provide guidance for future urban regeneration initiatives by showcasing the ability of design to inspire, heal, and create a more just and sustainable world.

Introduction: ‘Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven’ envisions a transformative approach to revitalising Northeast England’s industrial landscape. The project employs forensic mapping to reveal the complex history of Middlehaven, a location damaged by WWII bombings. The proposal calls for the design of an advanced manufacturing institute that will serve as a social hub and connect abandoned brownfields to the city centre. By embracing contextual form generation, the blueprint creates an architectural narrative that is both evocative and embodies resilience and collective memory.

Key focus areas:

1-  Forensic Mapping: Unearthing the hidden and visible layers of history, including bombsite scars and natural boundaries, through a meticulous mapping process.

2-  Sustainable Design: Utilising salvaged materials and incorporating innovative technologies to create an environmentally responsible intervention.

3-  Community Engagement: Collaborating with the local community to ensure the design reflects their needs and aspirations.

4-  Commemorative Design: Acknowledging the site’s historical trauma through sensitive interventions and spaces for reflection.

5-  Economic Catalyst: Establishing an advanced manufacturing institute to drive economic development and create new job opportunities.


Site Context

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Mapping Opportunity – Northeast England

Formerly a major player in shipbuilding, Middlehaven is about to change. This project aims to create an advanced manufacturing institute that will act as a bridge between the city’s bustling centre and the site’s industrial past, acting as a catalyst for inclusive growth.

Context: The project aims to revitalise the desolate landscape and promote a thriving ecosystem in recognition of the economic disparities that the Northeast region, in particular Middlesbrough, encounters.

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Middlehaven Context – The Implementation of the Four Mapping Strategies

Program: The institute draws in a wide range of sectors, including digital and renewable energy. It creates a centre of opportunity for the community by promoting cooperation, learning, and economic development.

Beyond Manufacturing: A lively social atmosphere is produced by public amenities like cafes, restaurants, and green areas. The famous town hall, now a community centre, promotes a sense of community and strengthens social cohesion.

Commemoration: The past is kept alive and serves as a moving reminder of the community’s resilience, all while paving the way for a bright future thanks to a dedicated memorial garden and historical elements.

Design Process

Forensic Study

The design process unfolds through meticulous steps. Middlehaven’s history can be learned through forensic mapping, which also reveals sociodemographic trends and trauma areas. The vertical and horizontal dimensions of WWII bombings are revealed by physical modelling techniques. The shape-generating device creates a complex blueprint, and the bridge-crane acts as protector, shaping and unearthing terrains.

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Demarcated Territories in Middlehaven
Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Physical Model of The Site and Context with Design Translation and Three Stages of Design Translation

1-  Forensic Mapping: The journey started with the discovery of Middlehaven’s hidden stories. A “forensic map” was created by carefully examining historical records, archival materials, and community involvement. This map revealed socioeconomic divides and cultural layers in addition to the obvious physical effects of bombings. This map served as the basis for a design strategy considerate of the site’s distinct past and current difficulties.

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Reclamation Process Diagram
Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Derived Initial Masterplan

2-  Reconnecting the Disconnected: The design pushed the boundaries of convention, drawing inspiration from the dynamic landscape of Northeast England. Urban corridors brought together the previously disjointed site and promoted a thriving ecosystem by integrating logistics, education, manufacturing, and recreation.

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Initial Outputs of The Generative Device

3-  Storytelling Through Form: The towers were stories that come to life rather than just structures. A “shape generating device” projected data from the forensic map onto five planes, causing a dynamic collision that resulted in the towers’ distinctive shapes. This procedure made certain that their design reflected the collective memory of the site and resonated with its history.

4-  Building with Memory: Sustainability is more than just the efficient use of resources. The buildings were built using reclaimed materials from the site, which effectively woven the past into the present. This reflected a commitment to responsible development as well as respect for the past.

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Assembling Outputs – Physical Model

5-  Bridge-Crane as Catalyst: The bridge crane served as more than just a tool for building; it was a representation of change. It marked the process of excavating and reconstructing, paving the way for the towers. It functioned as a metaphor for connections as well, bridging the gap between industries and society, the past and present.

Final Outcome

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Final Masterplan –Physical Model and Final Plan – Physical Model

Imagine a thriving centre of innovation tucked away in Middlehaven’s once-devastating context. The advanced manufacturing institute is a towering representation of resiliency and camaraderie as well as industrial prowess. Reclaimed materials from the site are incorporated into its design, which skillfully blends the past and present. Modern production facilities are humming with activity inside their walls, using sustainable technologies to make goods for the future. Collaborative environments in research labs promote knowledge-sharing and ground-breaking discoveries. The skills that the next generation needs to prosper in the changing industrial landscape are provided by educational spaces.

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Masterplan and Tower Floor Plan and Section
Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Atmospheric Render of The Towers

The public spaces outside the institute are lively and vibrant. Green areas promote connection and provide a break from the bustle of cafes and restaurants. The site’s cultural fabric is revitalised as local artists display their abilities in special galleries. Reborn as a community centre, the iconic town hall serves as a hub for workshops and events that foster a sense of community.

However, the past is not forgotten. Thoughtfully designed areas provide opportunities for introspection, and bombsight viewpoints take guests back to the crucial period of 1942, encouraging empathy and decency. Historical markers and interactive displays tell the story of the past throughout the site, reminding visitors of the challenges and victories that shaped the community.

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization

This project’s impact extends far beyond the physical transformation of Middlehaven. It serves as a catalyst for:

1-  Economic Growth: The institute stimulates the local economy and advances the development of the Northeast region by drawing investment and creating new job opportunities.

2-  Social Regeneration: By empowering locals and establishing a bustling centre for social interaction and cross-cultural exchange, the project promotes a feeling of pride and belonging in the community.

Tracing Boundaries: Institute of Advanced Manufacturing in Middlehaven | Masters Design Thesis on Urban Revitalization
Atmospheric Render of The Towers

3-  Sustainable Development: The institute promotes eco-friendly practices, laying the groundwork for future advancement and demonstrating how industrial expansion and ecological consciousness can coexist.

4-  Commemorative Design: The project creates an environment for introspection and reconciliation by acknowledging and incorporating the historical trauma of the site.

Conclusion: This project offers a transferable toolkit for designing in other places affected by historical trauma, extending beyond its immediate context. With the help of this framework, communities can connect with their history, honour their resiliency, and create a more inclusive and prosperous future. The goal of the research is to provide guidance for future urban regeneration initiatives by showcasing the ability of design to inspire, heal, and create a more just and sustainable world.

[This Academic Project has been published with text submitted by the student]

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