(“Text as submitted by architect”)
Zargos Rodrigues
The studio’s founder and architect is Zargos. He serves as both the creative and administrative director. In addition to architecture, he has a creative artistic vision from which he has already created works with sculptures and worked with others in a group studio.
He is the member of the team that most represents the firm’s basic values and concepts, and in addition to being the most outgoing, he also owns an abundance of creativity that extends beyond his work in design to his innovative culinary endeavours.
Frederico Rodrigues
Frederico or just Fred, as his colleagues call him, is a partner and architect at the Studio. He acts as project manager as well. In addition to experiences working in large offices in Belo Horizonte, he has a broad knowledge of software and architecture. Enthusiastic in the field of architectural visualization, he developed a course on the use of tools in the creation and presentation of images.
He splits his free time between playing with his band, watching films and his passion of magic when he’s not working. Fred always has a trick up his sleeve when it comes to magic or design.
Stephanie Cabral
Stephanie is known around the office as Teté. She graduated from the UFMG School of Architecture with a degree in architecture and urbanism, making her the newest member. She works on projects, particularly during the Executive Design phase.
She is the ideal person to ask for a snack at any time because she is charming and sociable enough for any situation. Teté keeps busy and motivates her coworkers with her commitment to the office’s daily operations, making their days easier.
Practice Ideology
Estúdio Zargos is an architecture studio based in Belo Horizonte, and, since its foundation in 2012, they have worked in the design and creation of places to live. The designers believe in a free and creative architecture capable of transforming space and people, exploring what involves them in deep synesthesia with people and places, always looking for a genuine expression of the poetics of living and spaces that inspire and enhance emotions.
Attentive and yearning before this belief, they think of matter and space as a supported and intense experience. Motivated by the critical analysis of contemporary life, their practice is marked by the investigation of disputed and disruptive alternatives. Thereby, they create a living and powerful architecture, expressive in its conceptual, plastic, and landscape essence.