Day 13 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Task 1

Day 13 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Task 1


Date: 07.07.2020

Task 1

Title: Generating model in rhino script in Python.

Software used: Rhino6, Python 2.7,Jupyter notebook

Tools Used: Jupyter notebook

The session was to generate geometries in Rhino through direct scripting in jupyter notebook. The scripting was done to generate points and circles in the Rhino file. Further, converting the circles into nurb curves.

Day 13 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Task 1
Importing rhino and random in jupyter notebook. Scripting for generating 20 points randomly in rhino.
Day 13 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Task 1
Points generated in rhino.
Day 13 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Task 1
Script to generate circles considering the points generated as centre points in rhino.
Day 13 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Task 1
Circles with different radius generated in rhino.
Day 13 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Task 1
Script done to convert curves of the circles in rhino into nurb curves.
Day 13 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Task 1
Final outcome. Nurb curves generated in rhino.

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