The Drawing Board 2021 | Know the Site

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The Drawing Board 2021 | Know the Site


This year’s design challenge for “The Drawing Board” is much more than an architecture contest. Immerse yourself in the study of Wari and discover the higher calling that pilgrims submit to each year.

To know more about the Design Challenge, Visit here.

Site Context

Two land parcels with a connecting road and existing temples of historical significance form an important layer and backdrop for the proposed activities. One of the land parcels is a temple complex off the Pune-Pandharpur highway, with access from the highway and the main village road measuring 7,271 sq.m. It comprises open ground and an existing old Khandoba Temple which is worshipped by the residents of Velapur.

The temple has a pavilion and a central courtyard, which houses the main shrine. Four Deepastambhas (Hindu architectural structures for oil lamps) and an existing tree are also integral to this complex. The Warkaris and the residents of Velapur perform rituals here during their one-day halt.

The second land parcel has an area of 38,481 sq.m. with a strong historical presence of a ruined temple and a temple Tank (Kund), which was built in the Hemadpanti style, c.1300 during the reign of Devagiri Yadava king Ramchandra (1271-1310). The site has a few existing trees.

The path connecting both the land parcels is sacred in nature with the plaza being the point of pause. Intervention along this pathway should only enhance the sacredness. This pathway will also be used by the Warkaris.

Click Here to Register Now.

The Drawing Board 2021 | Know the Site

The Drawing Board 2021 | Know the Site

Click Here to Register Now.


Any full-time or part-time student who is currently studying in an academic year of an architecture college or has completed their final exams in June 2020 can participate from all over the globe.

Key Dates

Registration Deadline: September 09, 2021
Submission Deadline: September 09, 2021
Winner Announcement: September 24, 2021

The Drawing Board 2021 | Know the Site


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