Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2


Date: 18.06.2020

Software used: Grasshopper

Task 1

Tools Used: Box2pt , Populate 3d , Voronoi 3d , Sphere , Brep l Brep,

This script was done to learn intersection technique to generate form. The base form is voronoi 3d created through the points contained in a cube. Further,the curves of voronoi 3d are intersected with a sphere which is created from the centroid of the cube. The result of which is a spherical  voronoi.

Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2
Creating points within the cube using.
Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2
Voronoi 3d generated from the points in the Cube.
Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2
Creating a sphere using the centroid of the cube.
Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2
Intersection point of the sphere and voronoi 3d.
Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2
Final form generated from connecting the intersection points of the sphere and voronoi 3D.

Task 2

Tools Used: Curve, Loft , Isotrim , Deconstruct brep , 4pt surface , Area ,Move.

This exercise was to learn modeling using triangulation  technique to create 3 dimensional modules in grasshopper. For this, the base surface was created in rhino 6.The surface was then assigned in grasshopper and a triangulated surface was created using a 4pt surface. The centroid  of the individual triangulated surface was created and was moved perpendicularly. Further, a triangular surface in 3rd dimension was created using a 4pt surface again by connecting base points and the centroids.

Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2
Creation of surface in rhino and assigned in grasshopper.
Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2
Sub dividing the surface in smaller units using isotrim command.
Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2
Moving centroid perpendicularly, away from its origin point.
Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2
Line segment created by connecting origin and moved point of centroid of the triangulated surfaces.
Day 4 | Introduction to Grasshopper: Task 1& 2
Final module after connecting vertices of the triangulated surfaces and the centroids.

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